Scientific papers

Scientific and popular science articles are also avalilable from MTMT database. For more information about other types of publications (popular science articles, conference attendances, textbooks, book translations) click here.

  1. Krisztina Csonka, Panna Lukács, Katalin Ősz:
    Photochemical processes in aqueous benzoquinone and anthraquinone solutions studied by spectrophotometry
    Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 2025.

  2. Ildikó Rapp-Kindner, Katalin Ősz, Gábor Lente:
    The ideal gas law: derivations and intellectual background
    ChemTexts, 2025, 11:1.

  3. Virág Kiss, Ádám Kecskeméti, Bence Marcell Hülvely, Péter Tarczali Sarudi, Luca Judit Csépes-Ruzicska, Fruzsina Mercs, Ágnes Tóth, István Fábián, Katalin Ősz:
    Reductive dehalogenation and formation of sulfonated quinones in the aqueous reactions between various chloro-1,4-benzoquinones and sulfur(IV)
    Journal of Sulfur Chemistry, 2023, 44, 646-665.

  4. Éva Józsa, Laura Barbara Jenei, Tamás Kégl, Katalin Ősz:
    Substituent effects on the activation parameters of the reaction between 1,4-benzoquinones and hydrogen peroxide: a combined experimental and theoretical study
    Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1261, 132916.

  5. Judit Michnyóczky, Virág Kiss, Katalin Ősz:
    A kinetic study of the photooxidation of water by aqueous cerium(IV) in sulfuric acid using a diode array spectrophotometer
    Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2021, 408, 113110.

  6. Gábor Lente, Katalin Ősz:
    Barometric formulas: various derivations and comparisons to environmentally relevant observations
    ChemTexts, 2020, 6, 13.

  7. Éva Józsa, Virág Kiss, Katalin Ősz:
    Photochemical processes of 1,4-benzoquinones in aqueous medium
    Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2018, 360, 166-173.

  8. Virág Kiss, Katalin Ősz:
    Double Exponential Evaluation under Non-Pseudo-First-Order Conditions: a Mixed Second Order Process Followed by a First Order Reaction
    International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2017, 49, 602-610.

  9. Virág Kiss, Gábor Lehoczki, Katalin Ősz:
    Mathematical description of pH-stat kinetic traces measured during photochemical quinone decomposition
    Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2017, 16, 519-526.

  10. Éva Józsa, Mihály Purgel, Marianna Bihari, Péter Pál Fehér, Gábor Sustyák, Balázs Várnagy, Virág Kiss, Eszter Ladó, Katalin Ősz:
    Kinetic studies of hydroxyquinone formation from water soluble benzoquinones
    New Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 38, 588-597.

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  11. Giuseppe Di Natale, Katalin Ősz, Csilla Kállay, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Daniele Sanna, Giuseppe Impellizzeri, Imre Sóvágó, Enrico Rizzarelli:
    Affinity, speciation, and molecular features of the copper(II) complexes with a prion tetraoctarepeat domain in aqueous solution: insights into old and new results
    Chemistry – A European Journal, 2013, 19, 3751-3761.

  12. Tímea Lehóczki, Éva Józsa, Katalin Ősz:
    Ferroxalate actinometry with online spectrophotometric detection
    Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2013, 251, 63-68.

  13. Melinda Gombár, Éva Józsa, Mihály Braun, Katalin Ősz:
    Construction of a photochemical reactor combining a CCD spectrophotometer and a LED radiation source
    Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2012, 11, 1592-1595.

  14. Chiara A. Damante, Katalin Ősz, Zoltán Nagy, Giuseppe Grasso, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Enrico Rizzarelli, Imre Sóvágó:
    Zn2+’s ability to alter the distribution of Cu2+ among the available binding sites of Aβ(1-16)-polyethylenglycol-ylated peptide: implications in Alzheimer’s disease
    Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 5342-5350.

  15. Éva Józsa, Katalin Ősz, Csilla Kállay, Imre Sóvágó, Paolo de Bona, Chiara A. Damante, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Enrico Rizzarelli:
    Nickel(II) and mixed metal complexes of amyloid-β N-terminus
    Dalton Transactions, 2010, 7046-7053.

  16. Beatríz González, Pablo Lorenzo-Luis, Manuel Serrano-Ruiz, Éva Papp, Marianna Fekete, Klára Csépke, Katalin Ősz, Ágnes Kathó, Ferenc Joó, Antonio Romerosa:
    Catalysis of redox isomerization of allylic alcohols by [RuCl(Cp)(mPTA)2](OSO2CF3)2 and [RuCp(mPTA)2(OH2-κO)]-(OSO2CF3)3.(H2O)(C4H10O)0.5. Unusual influence of the pH and interaction of phosphate with catalyst on the reaction rate
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010, 326, 15-20.

  17. Chiara A. Damante, Katalin Ősz, Zoltán Nagy, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Giulia Grasso, Giuseppe Impellizzeri, Enrico Rizzarelli, Imre Sóvágó:
    Metal loading capacity of Aβ N-terminus: a combined potentiometric and spectroscopic study of zinc(II) complexes with Aβ(1-16), its short or mutated peptide fragments and its polyethylene glycol-ylated analogue
    Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 10405-10415.

  18. Giuseppe Di Natale, Katalin Ősz, Zoltán Nagy, Daniele Sanna, Giovanni Micera, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Imre Sóvágó, Enrico Rizzarelli:
    Interaction of copper(II) with the prion peptide fragment HuPrP(76-114) encompassing four histidyl residues within and outside the octarepeat domain
    Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 4239-4250.

  19. Sarolta Timári, Csilla Kállay, Katalin Ősz, Imre Sóvágó, Katalin Várnagy:
    Transition metal complexes of short multihistidine peptides
    Dalton Transactions, 2009, 1962-1971.

  20. Katalin Ősz:
    A new, model-free calculation method to determine the coordination modes and distribution of copper(II) among the metal binding sites of multihistidine peptides using circular dichroism spectroscopy
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2008, 102, 2184-2195.

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  21. Chiara A. Damante, Katalin Ősz, Zoltán Nagy, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Giulia Grasso, Giuseppe Impellizzeri, Enrico Rizzarelli, Imre Sóvágó:
    The metal loading ability of β-Amyloid N-Terminus: a combined potentiometric and spectroscopic study of copper(II) complexes with β-Amyloid(1-16), its short or mutated peptide fragments, and its polyethylene glycol (PEG)-ylated analogue
    Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 9669-9683.

  22. Giuseppe Di Natale, Chiara A. Damante, Zoltán Nagy, Katalin Ősz, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Enrico Rizzarelli, Imre Sóvágó:
    Copper(II) binding to two novel histidine-containing model hexapeptides: Evidence for a metal ion driven turn conformation
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2008, 102, 2012-2019.

  23. Katalin Ősz, Zoltán Nagy, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Giuseppe Di Natale, Daniele Sanna, Giovanni Micera, Enrico Rizzarelli, Imre Sóvágó:
    Copper(II) interaction with prion peptide fragments encompassing histidine residues within and outside the octarepeat domain: Speciation, stability constants and binding details
    Chemistry – A European Journal, 2007, 13, 7129-7143.

  24. Csilla Kállay, Katalin Ősz, Adrienn Dávid, Zita Valastyán, Gerasimos Malandrinos, Nick Hadjiliadis, Imre Sóvágó:
    Zinc(II) binding ability of tri-, tetra- and penta-peptides containing two or three histidyl residues
    Dalton Transactions, 2007, 4040-4047.

  25. Imre Sóvágó, Katalin Ősz:
    Metal ion selectivity of oligopeptides
    Dalton Transactions, 2006, 3841-3854.

  26. Viktória Jószai, Zoltán Nagy, Katalin Ősz, Daniele Sanna, Giuseppe Di Natale, Giulia Grasso, Giuseppe Impellizzeri, Diego La Mendola, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Enrico Rizzarelli, Imre Sóvágó:
    Transition metal complexes of terminally protected peptides containing histidyl residues
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2006, 100, 1399-1409.

  27. Olga Szilágyi, Katalin Ősz, Daniele Sanna, Helga Süli-Vargha, Imre Sóvágó, Giovanni Micera, Katalin Várnagy:
    Potentiometric and spectroscopic studies on the copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of bis(imidazol-2-yl) derivatives of tripeptides
    Polyhedron, 2006, 25, 3173-3182.

  28. Domenico Grasso, Giulia Grasso, Valeria Guantieri, Giuseppe Impellizzeri, Carmelo La Rosa, Danilo Milardi, Giovanni Micera, Katalin Ősz, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Enrico Rizzarelli, Daniele Sanna, Imre Sóvágó:
    Environmental effects on prion’s helix II domain: Copper(II) and membrane interactions with PrP180-193 and its analogues
    Chemistry – A European Journal, 2006, 12, 537-547.

  29. Giuseppe Di Natale, Giulia Grasso, Giuseppe Impellizzeri, Diego La Mendola, Giovanni Micera, Nikoletta Mihala, Zoltán Nagy, Katalin Ősz, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Viktória Rigó, Enrico Rizzarelli, Daniele Sanna, Imre Sóvágó:
    Copper(II) interaction with unstructured prion domain outside the octarepeat region. Speciation, stability and binding details of copper(II) complexes with PrP106-126 peptides
    Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 7214-7225.

  30. Imre Sóvágó, Katalin Ősz, Zoltán Nagy, Viktória Rigó, Daniele Sanna, Diego La Mendola, Giuseppe Di Natale, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Enrico Rizzarelli:
    Transition metal complexes of peptide fragments of prion proteins
    Advances in Coordination, Bioinorganic and Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 363-376.
    Slovak Technical University Press, Bratislava © 2005

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  31. Katalin Ősz, Gábor Lente, Csilla Kállay:
    New protonation microequilibrium treatment in the case of some amino acid and peptide derivatives containing bis(imidazolyl)methyl group
    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2005, 109, 1039-1047.

  32. Katalin Ősz, Katalin Várnagy, Helga Süli-Vargha, Antal Csámpay, Daniele Sanna, Giovanni Micera, Imre Sóvágó:
    Acid-base properties and copper(II) complexes of dipeptides containing histidine and additional chelating bis(imidazol-2-yl) residues
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2004, 98, 24-32.

  33. Katalin Ősz, James H. Espenson:
    A non-radical chain mechanism for oxygen atom transfer with a thiorhenium(V) catalyst
    Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 8122-8124.

  34. Katalin Várnagy, Katalin Ősz, Csilla Kállay, Imre Sóvágó:
    The effect of side chain donor groups on the coordination ability of bis(imidazol-2-yl) ligands
    Progress in Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry, 2003, 6, 95-100.
    Slovak Technical University Press, Bratislava © 2003

  35. Imre Sóvágó, Katalin Ősz, Katalin Várnagy:
    Copper(II) complexes of amino acids and peptides containing chelating bis(2-imidazolyl) residues
    Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, 2003, 1, 123-139.

  36. Katalin Ősz, Katalin Várnagy, Helga Süli-Vargha, Daniele Sanna, Giovanni Micera, Imre Sóvágó:
    Transition metal complexes of bis(imidazol-2-yl) derivatives of dipeptides
    Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2003, 2009-2016.

  37. Katalin Ősz, Beáta Bóka, Katalin Várnagy, Imre Sóvágó, Tibor Kurtán, Sándor Antus:
    The application of circular dichroism spectroscopy for the determination of metal ion speciation and coordination modes of peptide complexes
    Polyhedron, 2002, 21, 2149-2159.

  38. Katalin Ősz, Katalin Várnagy, Helga Süli-Vargha, Daniele Sanna, Giovanni Micera, Imre Sóvágó:
    Copper(II), nickel(II) and zinc(II) complexes of amino acids containing bis(imidazol-2-yl)methyl residues
    Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2002, 339, 373-382.

  39. Imre Sóvágó, Katalin Várnagy, Katalin Ősz:
    Metal complexes of peptides containing monodentate or chelating imidazole nitrogen donors: Factors influencing the coordination of amide groups and imidazole side chains
    Comments on Inorganic Chemistry, 2002, 23, 149-178.

  40. Katalin Ősz, Katalin Várnagy, Imre Sóvágó, Lídia Lennert, Helga Süli-Vargha, Daniele Sanna, Giovanni Micera:
    Equilibrium and structural studies on transition metal complexes of amino acid derivatives containing bis(pyridin-2-yl)methyl residue
    New Journal of Chemistry, 2001, 25, 700-706.

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